From Running Track to Pursuing Year Up’s Business Track

Year Up Wilmington Cohort 7 student Najiya Cornish shares her perspective on Year Up, and how it relates to one of her life’s passions: running.

I joined Year Up after leaving the University of Akron, where I was a collegiate Division I athlete. I’ve run track for my entire life, so choosing to leave behind the sport I loved and transition to being a student full time student was a difficult decision. As a Year Up student, though, I’ve found that I approach school and work the same way I did with track — I have retained that competitive mindset. They say that Year Up is like a marathon, it may only be one year, but that year will consist of many challenges and setbacks you need to overcome.

Najiya running track.

I look at Year Up with a runner’s perspective, like I’m trying to make it to the national meet. The learning and development phase is my training. I attend practice and train; everything I’m learning right now is what I need to be successful, what I need to win a meet. Going into internship is like running at a higher level, the regional meet. There are more people watching, more people cheering for you. To make it to the next level, nationals, you need to provide value and win regionals. Making it to the national meet is an achievement every runner dreams of. I strive to make it to the national meet, to launch my career after my time with Year Up.

Running provided me with lifelong values that I hadn’t seen in myself before Year Up — I am dedicated to my team, I stay determined, I am competitive, and I always keep my composure, no matter what. These skills and values, though I didn’t realize them before, have helped me be successful. I am excited for what the future has in store for me. When I complete my internship, I know that I will come out stronger and with more knowledge, ready to jump right into my career. Year Up has provided me with all the resources, skills, and training to be more than prepared for my future.

Najiya during Orientation Week (March 2020).



Year Up Greater Philadelphia & Wilmington

Empowering motivated young adults to reach their full potential through education and work experience.